Embassy of India in association with the Indian Social Club Salalah organised a Special Yoga Event

Muscat: H.E. Amit Narang, Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman, graced the occasion as Chief Guest, accompanied by distinguished dignitaries H.E. Jamal Moosavi, Secretary General of the National Museum of Oman, and H.E. Shaikh Salim Mohammed Said Al Amri, Deputy Wali of Salalah, as Guests of Honor.

The event commenced with an exclusive Yoga session adhering to the Common Yoga Protocol, highlighting its universal appeal and myriad health benefits. More than 400 participants from various backgrounds, including Indian and Omani nationals, students from Indian Schools, and representatives of local Yoga organizations, gathered to immerse themselves in Yoga’s transformative power.

In his remarks, Ambassador Amit Narang said “The International Day of Yoga reflects Prime Minister Modi’s commitment to global well-being. This annual event has seen an impressive number of nations coming together to support and participate in Yoga activities with the ancient Indian practice emerging as an important public health movement worldwide.” Ambassador also appreciated the efforts of Mr. Rakesh Jha, President of the Indian Social Club, Salalah for organising this event.

In Oman, efforts to popularize yoga have been transformative. Embassy’s initiatives like the “Muscat Yog Mahotsav” in 2022 and “Oman Yoga Yatra” in 2023 have showcased Yoga’s health benefits, engaging communities from Muscat to Salalah, Sohar, and Sur. The launch of “Marhaban Yoga” in April 2024 in the run-up to the 10th International Day of Yoga underscores the commitment to promoting holistic well-being and harmony through the practice of Yoga.

The event in Salalah reflects Yoga’s growing popularity across Oman, embraced by diverse communities. The Indian community in Salalah, alongside the Indian Social Club Salalah, and various Yoga organisations in Salalah have been instrumental in promoting a deeper understanding of Yoga’s benefits.

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